Today’s challenges are making us all take a look at our businesses and what we need to be doing differently. It’s shining a spotlight on our weaknesses and maybe giving us the motivation to take action on changes that have been on the to do list for a while.
Which is why I said ‘Yes’ recently to the opportunity to take part in a new webinar series set up by Mary Crampton from Magnify Consulting.
They say ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ and Mary responded to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on her business by setting up ‘Sales War Chest’ in a matter of days.
‘Sales War Chest’ provides the sales growth resources you wish you had to grow revenue in uncertain times. Mary has created a webinar series that is focused on the relationship between innovation and sales growth.
Webinar Series
The first webinar of the series, and the one I was involved with, was called Intellectual Property, Your Brand and Sales – Your foundation for New Innovation (15 April 2020).
It was a chance for me to drive home that a strong brand gives us a good foundation on which to pivot and change. Which direction we take depends on the business sector we’re in and how dramatically our branding needs to shift.
The others contributing to this first webinar were Chris Sheehan, Zone Law and Mary Crampton, Magnify Consulting.
My presentation and all the webinars can be viewed here
Change is ahead for all of us in 2020. As we head into Level 3 of lockdown this week, we will be getting a glimpse of how businesses are responding to the difficulties and opportunities ahead. Good luck!